It's us. On a wall.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tidbits, Rainbows

I am elated to say I have the first seconds of Radiohead's label-free new album In Rainbows coming into my ears as I write this (Track 1, 2:15-- is that what they needed kids for?).
Navigating their website to download the album is kind of a thrill; not to be melodramatic, but I couldn't help feeling as if we were standing at the edge of something in music history, something we wouldn't be coming back from once it was crossed. I guess that's how every Radiohead album should make you feel, though, right? Anyhow, thing sounds damn good so far.

Other news: Flyentology The Blog (remind me to come up with a better name for this thing) is going to be getting some new contributors, beyond myself and the occasional wolfcock-slap. I know you might be skeptical. Neither 'Lizi Schoell' nor 'Andy Hare' sound like cool fabricated Dj names. But they're going to lend their talents and help refine Flyentology: The Blog into the insightful piece of the blogosphere that it should be. And at the very least you can start returning regularly and expect to see new posts.

So, um, who wants to go see Justice with me at the Metro in Chicago next weekend?
Actually, I was only half serious until I saw this:

I mean, christ! Can they please do a tour of megachurches?

1 comment:

nate said...

you can hear the kids cheer a couple of times in 15 step, if you listen closely. it sounds just like some crazy noise if you´re not paying attention

that justice pic makes me even more mad that i missed them in london! but it was sold out so what could i do?