It's us. On a wall.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Girl Talktalktalk

We're still nursing our post-Saturday comedown here at the School of Flyentology. Our interview with Gregg Gillis aka Girl Talk went down as planned and we were able to broadcast the best of it on last week's show, promptly before heading to the Picador to see the final date of his tour with Dan Deacon and White Williams.

A transcript of the interview will be up by tomorrow, as well as the audio recording. In the meantime though, drink some more coffee and check out some pictures from the show:

White Williams:

Extra-heavy synths in the mix made White Wiliams' set even more reminiscent of a chilled out Gary Numan. On their forthcoming LP 'Smoke', WW take cues from 80's synth pop, but unlike the legions of bands turning out shitty New-Order songs, Williams touches on less-explored new wave sounds and textures. In "Going Down", an unhurried bass line chugs along while singer/synther Joe Williams plays around with glitchy electronics, and the vibe is more Talking Heads than Gang of Four. A good start to a good show.

Dan Deacon:

"Let's have so much fucking fun we die!!"
Dan Deacon may have one of the best live shows out there right now. The crowd was almost in a frenzy when he started, and when his frantic, unmistakable electronics came blasting out of the PA, it's a miracle someone didn't die, including Deacon, who risked electrocution working with home made equipment soaked in some asshole's beer. Kudos.

Girl Talk:

Good bangers of course. As my friend Andy pointed out, in strict terms of beats-per-minute Deacon is hard to top. I snapped a couple of fuzzy, grimy photos and got out of the chaos to watch from afar.

1 comment:

nate said...

man, that looked like a fun show!