It's us. On a wall.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Lollapawinnerz: Friday

Oh the joys of the impulse buy. One weekend in Chicago can take a toll on the ol' wallet, and after spending a few days livin' the life during Pitchfork Music Festival (see below), my funds were pretty drained. But spending 8 hours at work surfing the internet can do things to a person, and I decided to drop 80 for a one day pass to Friday's Lollapalooza-- the sexiest day, I'll point out.

Here's what I got:


[The Rapture]

[LCD Sounsystem]

I snapped these from the 2nd row, surrounded by 15 and 16-year-olds. LCD has a terrific live show put together right now. The songs have muscle and energy to spare. What shocked me was James Murphy's voice-- he's come along way from the talk-sings and yelps loaded with irony from the early singles. He changed up inflections, sustained notes like crazy, and pitched his little voice around like a pro.

[Daft Punk]

What can be said?

Now if my rent check can still clear after all this... whoah.

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